Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have lost all motivation for anything and everything related to school. This is extremely pathetic because I only have one class and it ends this week. As a result of my slacking, I am far from completing my assignments. For starters, I have a group project due in two days. I haven't even started my research let alone think about how I am going to tie it in a bow and present it to the class. While this is bad, it gets worse. Tomorrow I am attending a substitute teacher training session and failed to secure the transcripts and  paper work needed to attend. The transcripts alone take at least twenty-four hours to process, so what am I suppose to do now? I very well cannot attend a meeting without the proper materials. Maybe I will be like Jenna Maroney and use my "sexuality" to secure the documents tomorrow afternoon. However, I don't think the middle-aged women in the registrar's office will fall for this act. They are mothers and can call bluffs before they are even imagined. As a result, I am lost for a solution. By this point you may be thinking, "damn she is screwed,"but no dear reader, it gets even better. In one week, I will begin student teaching full time. Let me just say that I have no idea what I am suppose to do let alone what objectives to teach my giggly sixth graders. I am a walking, talking, downward spiral.

My present behavior frustrates me because I am usually a very organized and proactive individual. I am the kid who has her homework done two days before it is due and color codes her closet. I don't know what has gotten into me during these last five weeks, but it isn't good. I am turning into a procrastinator and it is freaking me out. Not only am I slacking on my homework, but I also haven't shaved my legs in while. Even when I should be trying to complete classwork I am blogging about it instead. What is wrong with me? Goodbye precious 4.0, it was nice knowing you.