Friday, April 8, 2011


Dear readers, it has been nearly a month since my last posting and I apologize for neglecting this project. Please know this abandonment was by no means intentional, it just sort of happened. I know that I shouldn't be making excuses for slacking, but please know that I have been extremely busy and am in the process of juggling many projects and stresses at this point in time. As I mentioned, I know that this is not a real excuse. I understand that many people are busy and have learned to manage their affairs in a timely fashion. Therefore, I should get my poop in the group, strive to be organized, and devote adequate time to my creative craft, but I am finding it is rather difficult to try and have it all.  Nevertheless, I am sorry. And to prove how remorseful I truly am, please note that I am in an exotic location, using a computer with janky keys that switch typing directions frequently, and I am connecting to the internet via dial up in order to send this apology your way. I hope that you forgive me. If you are still searching for reassurance, know that I plan to send more postings once I return to the the luxuries of modern conveniences.

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